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Inspiring a Generation of Young Cardiothoracic Researchers

Research plays a fundamental role in establishing the course of the progress and evolution of medical practice. It clarifies past conventions, establishes current practices and ensures future innovation and development in the medical field.

It is therefore imperative that the values of medical research are inculcated into the core training of all trainee and non-trainee junior doctors alike.
Junior clinical fellowships and training posts in cardiothoracic surgery in the United Kingdom provide an excellent opportunity for aspiring cardiothoracic surgeons to develop the basic skills they need to ensure a successful entry into a career in cardiothoracic surgery. Although it provides a robust training experience, we have identified a gap in the provision of research opportunities to this cohort of junior doctors.

The Junior Doctor's Association of Cardiothoracic Researchers (JACTR) aims to provide a platform through which aspiring young cardiothoracic surgeons are granted access to training in medical research and afforded the opportunity to make significant contributions to cardiothoracic research in the United Kingdom.

About: About Us


To establish and foster a strong research culture among young aspiring cardiothoracic surgeons in the United Kingdom .

About: Who We Are
Chemistry Class


To provide research training opportunities to our members, contribute significantly to cardiothoracic research and foster a deep research culture among young aspiring cardiothoracic surgeons.

About: Who We Are
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